Step 1

Getting in touch:

Get in touch with Planted Healing by calling our office at 801-215-9660 or by filling out the CONTACT FORM.

Taking the first step in intitiating a provider relationship can be both empowering and at times intimidating. Empath is here to support the transition into care and make it as seamless and supportive as possible.

During our call, we will discuss your preferences, availability of providers and costs of services offered. Feel free to visit the PROVIDERS page to learn more about our psychotherapists and psychiatric provider.

Step 2

Scheduling the first consultation:

During the same call, we will schedule the first consultation at a time that is convenient for you. 

Once you have scheduled your first consultation please take time to go to our FORMS page to print and complete the NEW CLIENT packet prior to coming in for your appointment. 

Please bring these forms with you to your first counseling appointment.

Step 3

Establish connection and goals with therapist: 

During the first consultation, you can confidentially share as much or as little information as you feel comfortable sharing. It is a time for you and the therapist to get to know one another. You are encouraged to discuss treatment goals, ask questions and openly talk about your background, childhood, life issues, present concerns and any other topic you feel comfortable sharing.

The therapeutic journey is a process and there is no expectation to share everything all at once.  Therefore, this journey is one that will take place over the course of multiple sessions.  The initial few sessions are often explorative and used to firmly identify history, long and short term goals and to explore whether or not Empath is the best fit for you and your family.  

Planted Healing takes great pride in your trusting us with your personal experiences and we look forward to supporting you in reaching your goals.